21 February 2015

Kaikoura Day 156 21/02/2015

We got up at 7.30am, had breakfast and packed up before driving the very short distance to the ferry terminal and joining the long line of camper vans all waiting to sail over to the south island. It was a bit windy and we were both hoping that the sailing would be relatively calm (not least because we'd probably had one too many sweet sherries last night!). We were late boarding, finally setting off c30mins after the departure time and were soon heading out of the harbour and into the Cook Strait, notorious for rough seas but luckily for us was relatively calm and our stomachs were helped by bacon butties. You can see land on the south island before the north island finally disappears as you enter Marlborough Sounds. It really is a lovely journey and we were both glad we decided to take the ferry. The ferry docks at Picton, a small town at the head of Queen Charlotte Sound. We were planning to stay at Kaikoura and set off south along the east coast passing through Blenheim and its world famous wineries. The landscape is extremely arid and we were both surprised that the vines survive in such dry conditions. As we drove along we could see mountain ranges to the west and south of us, hopefully destinations for later in our trip. Over the passed few months we've kayaked and taken boat trips to see seals. As we drove along the coast road we passed a huge colony sunning themselves on the rocky shore line before finally arriving at Kaikoura. It's a small peninsular town backed by the Seaward Kaikoura mountain range and, as a result of a unique ocean environment, is home to a variety of marine wildlife including whales, dolphins and seals. We both want to go whale watching so as soon as we arrived we headed to the main tour operator to book a boat trip for tomorrow. Fingers crossed for good weather and calm seas. After checking in at the campsite we had a wander into the town. The weather was lovely and the sun very strong and we decided that a quick dip in the sun was not to be missed so we headed back to collect our swim wear. The beach here is pebbles and it took all your strength to stay upright as the sea swell pushed the pebbles around nearly taking you off your feet. It was a bit cold but lovely and clear. After a quick dip we treated ourselves to fish and chips on the beach looking out to sea and the expanse of the South Pacific Ocean, watching the cloud formations and the sun go down behind us, followed by ice cream on the way back to the van. Hopefully tomorrow's diet will be a bit healthier!
Our ferry to the South Island
In the long line of camper vans 
Leaving the North Island 
Entering Marlborough Sounds 
Having a dip in the sea at Kaikoura 

1 comment:

  1. How lovely that you can enjoy simple pleasures like fish and chips on the beach among your cultured and daring adventures. Sea looked lovely, even though you found it cold. Xx
