31 August 2015

San Jose Day 343 27/08/2015

San Jose doesn't get a good write up, concrete structures, clogged streets, fast food joints, pickpockets, homicidal drivers and from what we'd seen yesterday we were struggling to disagree. We contemplated going on a city tour but decided against it as it started at 1500 and we'd no doubt have seen most of the highlights by then. So instead we set off ourselves after breakfast, heading initially to the market which was a bit of a disappointment. We decided to stop for refreshments at Alma de Cafe again and from there went in search of the Museo de Jade. Museo de Oro gets one of the better write ups but, as interesting as it know doubt was, we both felt like we'd had our fill of pre-Colombian gold artifacts. We went to where the museum was shown in Lonely Planet to find it wasn't there and then to where it was shown on the city map to find it had moved 8 months ago. By now it was time for lunch and we walked to Barrio Aranjuez to a nice, although expensive, cafe called Kafu. The appeal of the Jade museum had diminished somewhat and we wandered back to the hotel where we attempted to check in for our flights for tomorrow and to do some planning for Mexico, both of which proved very frustrating due to the exceptionally poor wifi. We even use the hotels pc's which were not much better. We had contemplated going to an Argentinian restaurant for dinner but were unable to book a table as the table times were either too early (6pm) or too late (10pm) so decided to head back to Cafe Mundo. We'd got an exceptional early start tomorrow and didn't want too late a night!
Borrowed from Edinburgh? 
The main shopping street 
Central Plaza 
Teatro Nacional 
Inside the foyer 
San Martin, we've not seen him for a while 
Tiled muriels outside the Don Carlos 
Don Carlos Hotel 

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